Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Jacob is getting into his trucks now. Moving them back and forth and all over the room.
On Thanksgiving Jacob was up and down, up and down. At least it was Aunt Cyndi on the receiving end and not me this time. (sorry Cyndi ~ I know how exhausting that is.)

Jacob is watching every move. He is our 'yogi' and had to make sure they were doing it right. (We had brought the TV in to watch "The Sound of Music" and during its brief stay PBS was turned on. It was 'pledge' weekend and a Yoga program was on. Miranda says she loves yoga!) Jacob accidentally turned off the TV with his knee a couple of times and started yelling quite loudly about the interuption in his program. We always felt he was a Yoga Master. Now, we know.
Afterward, he fell asleep on daddy. Just so much work!

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